200 Elm Street North Camb MA 02140


Workshop Classes

Do your own chair
If you need a chair check out "Hidden Treasures"

Wednesday Evening 6:15 -8:15

Students prepair for caning class
Father & daughter examine their project
Seat Weaving Classes First-time and experienced caners will enjoy these workshops.  Bring your own project, and learn by doing.  Students work at their own pace with expert individualized instruction.  We teach hand cane, fibre rush, reed splints, shaker tape, wide binding, and modern Danish seating.  Students may also design their own schedule.  Classes run most Wednesdays (we miss a few in July and August), and you may take them all at once or spread them out.  Please call Wednesday morning or earlier to let us know you’re coming to the evening class.  There is a one-time registration fee of $12.  Class fee is $20 for each two-hour class.   Pay $120 for six classes and we’ll waive the registration fee.  We look forward to working with you soon!

A Caning Shoppe class project
was displayed in the

North Bennett St. School Student Show

Sheriton Arm chair cr 2007
Sheritan Cr 2007 Dan Phillips
fine hand cane weave
Lots of fine weaving in this one
This beautiful mahogany and satinwood inlay chair was built by one of our caning students Dan Phillips at the North Bennett Street School in Boston.  Dan spent many hours in and out of class weaving the seat.  A true test of patience and dedication for a first project.  Hats off to Dan for his skill and persistence.   

Link:  North Bennet Street School
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